Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A new year, a new deadpool...

The death master will be doing a tally this weekend to figure out the prize splitting, the winners, and the losers, etc. With the leaders to be announced next week...and of course prizes delivered! I believe Kathy was still in the lead, but will have to take a close look at all of the lists.

Our new rules, and side pot this year have made the tallying and splitting a bit more complicated this year, so next years rules may be a little slimmed down.

The 2010 dead pool will begin next week, with a two week deadline for entries. Again, all entries will need to be made digitally...and this year it will be put into a database for ease of tracking and keeping up a leaders board...that's right, death is going tech.

Muahhh ha ha....start working on your lists.