Thursday, February 4, 2010

And the winner is....

Kathy Brown with 145 points is the grand winner of the 2009 Dead pool, taking home 65% of the pot.
Tied for Second Shannon Iyall and George Daniel will split 35%

There were many ties for the side pot, so a few of you will be getting your entry back.

So....on to 2010. We will be using the same rules for this year on the main list...but there will be no side pot this year for youngest.
Our DEAD Line will be February 19th to get your lists for this year, and your entry fee in.
Lists must be emailed to either me, they can be sent to Tena...I'm guessing you know her email if you'll be sending it to her.

I'll have the new website up with all the new lists and death updates by Feb 28th.

Get those lists in, and lets get ready for another year of celebrity death....muah ha ha..