Thursday, February 4, 2010

And the winner is....

Kathy Brown with 145 points is the grand winner of the 2009 Dead pool, taking home 65% of the pot.
Tied for Second Shannon Iyall and George Daniel will split 35%

There were many ties for the side pot, so a few of you will be getting your entry back.

So....on to 2010. We will be using the same rules for this year on the main list...but there will be no side pot this year for youngest.
Our DEAD Line will be February 19th to get your lists for this year, and your entry fee in.
Lists must be emailed to either me, they can be sent to Tena...I'm guessing you know her email if you'll be sending it to her.

I'll have the new website up with all the new lists and death updates by Feb 28th.

Get those lists in, and lets get ready for another year of celebrity death....muah ha ha..

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A new year, a new deadpool...

The death master will be doing a tally this weekend to figure out the prize splitting, the winners, and the losers, etc. With the leaders to be announced next week...and of course prizes delivered! I believe Kathy was still in the lead, but will have to take a close look at all of the lists.

Our new rules, and side pot this year have made the tallying and splitting a bit more complicated this year, so next years rules may be a little slimmed down.

The 2010 dead pool will begin next week, with a two week deadline for entries. Again, all entries will need to be made digitally...and this year it will be put into a database for ease of tracking and keeping up a leaders board...that's right, death is going tech.

Muahhh ha ha....start working on your lists.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Getting out my pottery wheel and ouigie board...

Actor, dirty dancer, night club bouncer, ultra pedophile, and ghostly apparition Patrick Swayze has passed away at the age of 57, awarding 43 points to about half of the people playing.

RIP Patrick Swayze.

In other Death news. Jim Carroll, author of the Basketball Diaries, Fear of Dreaming, The downtown diaries, The book of Nods and others, also passed away this week from a heart attack. No one had him.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

RIP - Ted Kennedy

Senator Ted Kennedy passed away last night at the age 77 at his home in MA. Many people had him on their lists.
Another sad one for the Death Master.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A legend is dead...

Guitar wizard Les Paul has passed away at 94. Truly a sad day, but not just because no one had him, but because the man was a genius. The Gibson Les Pauls are in my opinion, the most beautiful guitar designs ever...ripped off by uncountable knockoffs.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I know you've heard...

Hard to have not heard that Walter Cronkite passed away. At 92, he was only worth 8 points. I was slow to post about him, being such a big name. Weirdly, if weirdly is even a word, me, my father, and my brother are the only 3 that had him down.

The good news is, your friendly Death Master is finally on the board this year.

RIP Walt....and that's the way it is.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Wow...3 more, but not luck.

Steve Mcnair, Alan Klien, and Robert McNamara have all passed on in the last couple of days...none of them on any lists. What a waste, what a waste.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Chase is on the board!!

According to his manager Karl Malden, 1951 Academy award winner for a Street Car Named Desire has passed away.

Chase was the only one that had get 3 points.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Holy cow...what a day for the reaper....

The King of POP is dead according to the LA times. At 50 years old this is a whopper of a whopper.

I must say, besides Betty Page last year....and all of the Child Molestation stuff, this is one of the sadder ones for the Death Master.

Kathy is now our leader with a gigantic score of 102 points. I would like to know where she gets her information...

I will update the lists and put out a high score list on weekend starts right now, and I am going to be busy moonwalking.

While morbid, it is fun getting a rash of phone calls and emails asking for confirmations whenever a couple celebrities pop's almost like people think I am tied into some sort of "afterlife" network...hmm, maye I am...muha ha ha.....I just wish they'd give me a couple months warning...


Teresa & Kathy are tied for first with 52 points each....
with many many people in a close 3rd with 39 or 38 points.

Congrats you morbid morbid people.

Weeeellllll shit..

My apologies. I would like to say I was just messing with you guys, but I think my text look up had a hick-up there.

As my mother has pointed out, 6 lists did have Farrah...

Sorry!!! With so much time being spent rounding up souls and what not I get off track sometimes.

B&K, Shannon, Les, Kathy, Teresa, and George ALLLLL had her.

An Update on Bill's death.

David Carradine, who's death was noted on this blog recently has been in the news again...

Does everyone know what Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation is??????? apparently you should be very careful if you attempt it....and watch out for the ninjas!

On June 5, the Carradine family lawyer Mark Geragos spoke on Larry King Live and dismissed claims of suicide, stating instead that David Carradine could have been murdered by a secret sect of kung fu assassins, after it was revealed that Carradine had been attempting to uncover groups working in the martial-arts underworld.[28]

Two of Carradine's ex-wives (Gail Jensen[1][29] and Marina Anderson[30][31][32]) stated that his sexual interests included the practice of self-bondage.

Farrah Fawcett dies at 62...

Not one of our lists had her....

RIP Charlie's Angel...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ed McMahon....and a couple people actually had him!!!

Ed McMahon has died at 86. Tom S. and Kathy B. look to be the only lists that have him...and they get a whopping 14 points...which is not bad for this years celebrity death season.

Kelly D. is still in the lead I believe with Dom D. and Bea A. She has 39 points.

Please email me with any errors you may find in the lists or scores I post.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Well it looks like they finally Killed Bill....

David Carradine , known for his roles in Kung-Fu and the Kill Bill movies was found dead in Thailand this morning...

I must apologize for my slowness...very very unacceptable slowness of getting the lists and updates up on this site...bad deathmaster! The lists will be up within a week from Today, I PROMISE PEOPLE!

While it has been a very slow first half of the year for us, Kelly D. appears to be in the lead with 2 celebs from her list dropping. I will put up a leaders update as well.